You’re a talented introvert who runs a freelance or consulting business and sometimes you say stuff like this:
“People drain me.”
“Starting conversations with strangers is awkward!”
“I would rather spend my time creating instead of selling.”
I get it. You love your alone time… Okay, maybe you’re a hermit and your sales don’t reflect your awesome talent, creativity, and knowledge because of it.
What is a lone wolf supposed to do?
You could keep on struggling… OR you could take the course I built just for you. Don’t worry, it’s free.
I sold my first project for $150 and a Burger King sandwich (long story). I sold my fourth project for over $40,000 and have been able to sell several 5-digit projects since then. Actually, I can’t remember the last time I sold a project for under 5-digits.
Most of my acquaintances, clients, and friends wouldn’t suspect how much of an introvert I really am. I’m the king of hermits–sometimes going weeks without leaving my apartment. My alone time is precious and well… people are just straight up draining!
Over time, I’ve learned how to tackle business (and life) without having to give up my introverted ways. Actually, my introversion has become one of my greatest advantages in my hustle.
One thing every freelancer with success has is the ability to sell (and do it effectively and sometimes in their sleep). It’s an absolute must and cornerstone of every thriving business.
But before any selling happens, you must first prospect.
Let me help you by teaching you how to implement the first phase of every sales life cycle: prospecting.
What is prospecting and why is it important?
Prospecting means finding and connecting with your potential ideal clients (aka prospects). Click To TweetWithout prospecting, you have no sales, and without sales, you have no business. It’s the perfect place to start if you want to increase your sales.
People who “pressure sell” by making folks around them feel uncomfortable are people who lack prospects.
If you’re abundant in prospects, then selling becomes easier and can even be a pleasant experience. You’ll be laid back, confident, and really focused on making sure you and your client fit each other. It’s in your best interest.
Prospecting also happens to be the first phase of any sales life cycle.
Your potential client forms their initial opinion of you based on your first interaction with them and the setting in which it takes place.
Prospecting helps you validate your business idea and gets people thinking about buying. Prospecting is the key that starts your sales engine.
Without prospecting, you have no sales, and without sales, you have no business. Click To TweetThat’s why I created this free course.
I want you to get really good at prospecting. If I can teach you to prospect effectively as an introvert, then you’ll gain the confidence to sell better and sell more.
Let me help you start your journey to better selling.
You’ll learn how to: