
As some of you know, I attended Seth Godin’s Ruckusmakers seminar this past weekend. What a proper name for this seminar!

It was a terrific event. So much to digest, solve, and implement. To ensure I receive maximum value from the event, I’m challenging myself to blog about my experiences at Ruckus Makers for 8 days straight.

My challenge starts on Thursday, March 12th, 2015. All fellow ruckus makers are welcomed to join me in this challenge.

Actually, scratch that. Let me restate:

I challenge all fellow ruckus-makers to blog about their experiences this past weekend for 8 consecutive days starting on Thursday, March 12th, 2015.

I’m even posting a picture of all of us ruckus-makers. I challenge all of you!


My Fellow Ruckus-makers.
Taken on March 7th, by the Seth Godin Crew. Image from Flickr

Write a sentence, share an image, post a video, share whatever you would like.

If you choose to accept the challenge, make sure to share your content using hashtag #RuckusmakersChallenge. 

I also posted this on Medium for those who don’t have blogs or only have business blogs (very easy to write a blog response on there).

I’m only on Twitter and LinkedIn but feel free to pass the challenge along to other ruckus-makers (especially with the fb group since I don’t have access). I wasn’t able to connect to all 80 people at the event but would still love to hear / read about their experiences.

If you weren’t at the Ruckusmakers seminar, feel free to follow our experiences.

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